Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)

Teams look at their own web sites every day and it is often hard for them to see:

  1. What is causing users to abandon the site or not helping a user find the answer to their question
  2. A non-standard or difficult interface that is causing user confusion

These issues are often easy to fix but are very hard to uncover in tactical day-to-day activities without stepping back and watching and listening to real users utilizing the site.

Live user tests coupled with industry best practices and Tim’s years of expertise optimizing ecommerce and business web sites through hundreds of A/B and multivariate tests.

The research will include at least 5 users working through tasks and answering questions about the site on both mobile and desktop devices. The users’ verbal feedback as well as mouse movements will be captured.

Recommendations for site improvements will be documented and prioritized and provided along with user highlight reels showing how user got stuck on the site.

These tests can uncover high level messaging issues and bugs as well as identify opportunities for improvement.

This process can be very useful in the regular course of business or before or after a site redesign. As an example, one client heading into a redesign thought the emphasis should be on the visual attractiveness of their home page, category pages, product pages while the research pointed out that the biggest issues with the site were the non-standard shopping cart as well as the non-competitive shipping fees. This type of research was a game changer for the direction of their site redesign!

Before permanent implementation, an A/B Testing framework will be put into place to ensure that the prioritized changes to the site significantly improve the conversion rate.